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Brazilians account for 483,898 people in the US. They are easily reached due to their geographic locations. The majority of immigrants from Brazil are concentrated in Florida, Massachusetts, California and New Jersey.(1)



Brazilians speak a Portuguese language. The Portuguese languages is the 6th most spoken language in the world. 

The average age of the Brazilian population in the US is 31.2 years old. The typical household comprises 3 to 4 people.
About gender demographics, 46.6% Brazilians are male and 53.4% female.
Still in the US, 37.2% of Brazilians have Bachelor's degree or higher (1).

Brazilians send $2.7 billion to their home country, using services here in the US. Additionally, many Brazilian tourists come to the US and buy diverse products. In 2016 Brazilians spent $11.4 Billion dollars in the US alone.

In 2016, 1.7 million Brazilians traveled to the US. (3).
Brazil also happens to be the 9th economy in the world with continuous growth expected (4).

Spending habits

Survey report 98% of Brazilian immigrants in US purchase home country goods (5).
The most popular products they buy are foods and spices, followed by Brazilian videos, DVDs and CDS and clothing.

Foods and spices 45.5%
Alcohol 3.8%
Cigarettes 1.6%
Clothing 17.8%
Books 4.9%
Newspapers and magazines 5.1%
Videos, DVDs, CDs 20.6%
Craft Items 0.8%

Brazil's top spending sectors for the average customer. (7)

$36.2 billion Sales of beauty products Beauty products
470 million projected sales increase of books Books
2.1 million cars were sold Cars
$17 billion spent on drinks Drinks
$23.4 million spent on online shopping Online shopping
$5.2 billion in sales in 2010 Pet care
73% increase in smartphone sales Smartphone
5.4 million tablets sold in Brazil Tablets
$11.4 billion spent on travels Travel
90% Of the TVs sold were flatscreens TV (flatscreens)


Brazil is the world’s ninth-largest economy in the World. The US is Brazil’s second-largest trading partner. International trade are about $71 billion. The US has a $8.3 billion goods trade surplus with Brazil.

Brazilian imports from the US are aircraft, machinery, petroleum products, electronics, and optical and medical equipments.
The US is Brazil’s second-largest export market. The primary products are crude oil, aircraft, iron and steel, and machinery.
According to the US Bureau of Economic Analysis, the US has invested $68.34 billion in Brazil as of 2017. (6)

(1) factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?src=bkmk
(2) migrationpolicy.org/article/brazilian-immigrants-united-states#Distribution%20by%20State%20and%20Key%20Cities
(3) travel.trade.gov/pdf/2016-Top-10-Markets.pdf
(4) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Brazil
(5) fr.slideshare.net/alvaroelima/brazilians-in-the-united-states-a-look-at-migrants-and-transnationalism-55224207
(6) state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/35640.htm
(7) fr.slideshare.net/adelgado6/what-brazilians-buy


Capricorn arranges multi channel advertising solutions using independent media, while maximizing brand exposure and customer acquisition.

Since 1999, Capricorn explores opportunities in highly specific ethnic and immigrants markets, beyond what other ad agencies have exploited before.

Capricorn helps to promote companies and organizations looking to reach specific communities:

  • People who have a strong interest in foreign destinations and cultures like Francophiles.
  • Expatriate people who live in the US with a foreign born origin like Australian, Belgian, Brazilian, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Irish, New Zealander, Portuguese, Swiss, African, Sub Sahara African, Asian, Hispanic.
  • People in the US who speak a specific language like Arabic, Brazilian, Dutch, Cantonese, Creole, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Kannada, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish, Urdu.

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